By the definition of like fractions, the denominators are the same.
It means Lowest Common Denominator.
It is a fraction in which the numerator or the denominator is 1.
Where the numerator and denominator have no further common factors
Unit Ratio- a ratio that has a denominator of 1
By the definition of like fractions, the denominators are the same.
The definition is a different denominator in a fraction
It is a definition.
It means Lowest Common Denominator.
It is a fraction in which the numerator or the denominator is 1.
It is the definition of a unit rate.
Where the numerator and denominator have no further common factors
Unit Ratio- a ratio that has a denominator of 1
# A numerical fraction in which the numerator is less than the denominator. # A polynomial fraction in which the numerator is of a lower degree than the denominator.
Because division by zero is not defined and if the denominator were zero, we would be dividing by zero.
The bottom number. The number under or after the fraction bar.
It is the numerator of an equivalent ratio where the denominator is 100.