Regular Polygon is a polygon that has all same length of sides and same degrees of angles.
Ex: Regular Triangle
60degrees on every angle and 5cm in all sides.
Regular Quadrilateral - Square
The definition of a irregular polygon is any polygon that is not a regular polygon.
A regular quadrilateral polygon
This is the definition of a "regular" polygon.
Yes, by definition. If it not equilateral AND equiangular, then it is not regular.
== == A regular pentagon is a polygon that has five sides
The definition of a irregular polygon is any polygon that is not a regular polygon.
The definition of a regular polygons is a polygon that is both equiangular and equilateral. in a kite not all the sides are the same then its angles are not all equal then it is not a regular polygon.
A regular quadrilateral polygon
This is the definition of a "regular" polygon.
That is called the apothem. The definition is: An Apothem is the distance from the center of a regular polygon to the midpoint of a side
Yes, by definition. If it not equilateral AND equiangular, then it is not regular.
All sides and angles are equal in measurement
== == A regular pentagon is a polygon that has five sides
No. Regular tessellations use only one polygon. And, according to the strict definition of regular tessellation, the polygon must be regular. Then a tessellation using rectangles, for example, cannot be called regular.
A regular pentagon is a five sided polygon with all sides being equal.
Not necessarily. The definition of a polygon is a closed figure with straight lines and no curves. A "regular" polygon has to have equal side-lengths, such as a regular hexagon or a regular octagon.
No. It is impossible.The definition of a regular polygon is a polygon with equal angles, and equal sides.For a polygon to be concave, it has to have at least one angle more than 180 degrees, and a a polygon cannot consistently have angles more than 180 degrees.