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A group of joints that are parallel or nearly parallel.

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Q: Definition of joint sets
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What is the definition of a joint sets in math?

In math joint sets are contain at least one element in common. An example of joint sets are {1,3,8,4} and {3,9,1,7}.

What is the symbol for joint sets?

There is no such symbol for joint sets. Actually, there is a representation for joint sets. That is: The sets are joint if A ∩ B is not empty. The sets are disjoint if A ∩ B is empty.

What is a joint set?

Joint sets are sets that have common element.

What are joint and disjoint sets?

Joint sets are sets with common element/s. Disjoint sets are sets without any common element/s.

Equal sets can be joint sets?

Yes, they can be

What is a joint sets in college algebra can you give an example of this?

what is joint set

What is the example of join set?

Joint sets are sets with common elements among them. An example of a joint set, showing the common element, is J=1,2,3,4 and K=5,2,6,7. The number two is the common element among the two sets and therefore considers these sets joint.

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A fixed is a joint that don't move

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Partnership in inheritance; joint heirship; joint right of succession to an inheritance.

What are the difference between joint set and disjoint set?

The difference between joint sets and disjoint sets is the number of elements in common. A disjoint set, in math, does not any elements in common. A joint set must have at least one number in common.