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See wikipedia article on polytropic processes.

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Q: Derivation of polytropic equation of state?
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What is a polytropic work?

Polytropic work refers to the work done in a process where the relationship between pressure and volume follows a specific power-law equation (P*V^n = constant). It is commonly encountered in compressible flow systems and is expressed as the area under the curve on a P-V diagram for a polytropic process.

What is constant in a polytropic process?

In a polytropic process, the polytropic index "n" is constant. This index dictates the relationship between pressure and volume, and it remains the same throughout the process.

What are the thermodynamic polytropic processes?

Thermodynamic polytropic processes are processes that can be described using the polytropic equation ( PV^n = C ), where ( P ) is pressure, ( V ) is volume, ( N ) is the polytropic exponent, and ( C ) is a constant. These processes can encompass a range of behaviors, from isobaric to isothermal to adiabatic processes, depending on the value of the polytropic exponent.

What is the difference between integration and derivation?

Integration results in an equation which gives the area under the original equation between the bounds. Derivation results in an equation which gives the slope of the original line at any point.

What is the value of polytropic exponent n in reversible polytropic process?

the value of polytropic exponent "n" in reversible process will vary from 1 to adiabatic constant "gamma"

Which process will lead to larger work output isothermal process or polytropic process with n1.25?

The process equation for this is PV up to the nth power which equals C. The polytrophic process is 1.25 which is the n in the equation.

What is polytropic process?

A polytropic process is a thermodynamic process where the relationship between pressure and volume follows the equation ( P V^n = \text{constant} ), with ( n ) being the polytropic exponent. This type of process is commonly seen in idealized gas compression or expansion scenarios and can help calculate work done or heat transfer.

The value of polytropic exponent 'n' in the reversible polytropic process usually varies between?

The value of the polytropic exponent 'n' in a reversible polytropic process typically varies between 0 and ∞. However, common values for n are between 0 (isobaric process) and 1 (isothermal process) for ideal gases.

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it is easy you can see any textbook........