

Best Answer

highest to lowest

eg. 3 9 4 10 6 2

descended: 10 9 6 4 3 2

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Q: Descending order sorts numbers from the lowest number to the highest number?
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The answer will depend on what the highest and lowest numbers are!The answer will depend on what the highest and lowest numbers are!The answer will depend on what the highest and lowest numbers are!The answer will depend on what the highest and lowest numbers are!

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Any number can be the lowest as well the highest of a set only if all the numbers are the same.

How do you find the median when theres four numbers?

When sorted lowest to highest (or highest to lowest) the median is (2nd number + 3rd number)/2

The meaning of mode?

it is the highest number minus the lowest number in a sequence of numbers

How do calculate the range?

the highest number takeaway the lowest number (from a group of numbers)

What does descending mean in Microsoft access?

Descending order is when you sort numbers from largest to smallest, or sort text from Z to A (in reverse alphabetical order), or dates from most recent to oldest. Usually we sort in ascending order, but sometimes we want to format in descending order.

How do you know what is the answer for range?

You subtract the highest and lowest number in a set of numbers.

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The lowest prime number is 2. The highest prime number less than 100 is 91 97.

The highest number that can be divided into two numbers to reduce them to their lowest terms is called?

Highest common denominator

Difference between highest and lowest number in a set of numbers?

It is called the range.