Suppose X1 = N1/D1 and X2 = N2/D2 are two rational expressions, where the numerators N1 and N2 and denominators D1 and D2 are simpler expressions.
X1 * X2 = (N1*N2)/(D1*D2)
X1 / X2 = (N1*D2)/(D1*N2).
Division by a non-zero rational number is equivalent to multiplication by its reciprocal.
Rational numbers are closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication. They are not closed under division, since you can't divide by zero. However, rational numbers excluding the zero are closed under division.
The inverse function of multiplication is division.
Division by a factor that can be zero.
Division by a non-zero rational number is equivalent to multiplication by its reciprocal.
Rational numbers are closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication. They are not closed under division, since you can't divide by zero. However, rational numbers excluding the zero are closed under division.
The inverse function of multiplication is division.
Division by a factor that can be zero.
in division
A collection of more than one term.
They are closed under all except that division by zero is not defined.
Division by any non-zero number is the same as multiplication by its reciprocal.
By long division. Factorisation may work but you cannot depend on that.
Any addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division of rational numbers gives you a rational result. You can consider 8 over 9 as the division of 8 by 9, so the result is rational.