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Q: Describe how you can make the field of a variable quantity?
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What are steps in practical problem solving?

Which of the following are steps in practical problem solving? Assign an identifying variable to the quantity to be found. Make a guess at the value of the variable. Write a sentence stating conditions placed on the quantity. Check if the value is correct. Solve the sentence for the variable.

How is wind energy used to make electricity?

Most likely they are using permanent magnates to create variable magnetic field due to spinning propeller. According physics laws variable magnetic field causes electric current in a conductor subjected to the field.

How wind energy used to make electricity?

Most likely they are using permanent magnates to create variable magnetic field due to spinning propeller. According physics laws variable magnetic field causes electric current in a conductor subjected to the field.

How do you set global variables to on?

You can use the preprocessor directive #define, or you can describe a variable in the body of main(). With the preprocessor directive you can make the variable accessible even out of your current project.

What is an example sentence with the word variable?

A fire siren has a variable tone.A fixed variable in a scientific study of humans might be gender or age.Variable weather conditions make it impossible to predict a tornado.

How do you write a formula to a given quantity?

To write a formula for a given quantity, first identify the variables involved in the quantity. Then, express the quantity in terms of those variables using mathematical operations. Make sure to follow the order of operations and any specific mathematical rules relevant to the situation. Remember to clearly define what each variable represents in your formula.

Can the reducing level be made negative?

No, the reducing level cannot be negative. It is used to describe the impact of a variable on another variable and is typically measured on a scale from 0 to 1. A negative value would not make sense in this context.

Describe the steps you would take in making a graph to show the relationship between two related variables?

The steps are to find the y-axis (dependent variable) and the x-axis (independent variable), then make a scale for your variables on the graph.

How do you calculate fixed cost given total cost?

Fixed Cost - costs that do not vary with the quantity of output produced.The best example I can think of is when making Chocolate Chip Cookies. You need ingredients and supplies to make them:Chocolate Chips (Variable Cost)Flour (Variable Cost)Butter (Variable Cost)Sugar (Variable Cost)Eggs (Variable Cost)Vanilla (Variable Cost)Baking Soda (Variable Cost)Salt (Variable Cost)Bowls (Fixed Cost)Spatulas (Fixed Cost)Oven (Fixed Cost) The gas or electricity would be a variable costBaking Sheet (Fixed Cost)Cooking Rack (Fixed Cost)Mixer (Fixed Cost)Fixed Costs do not vary with Quantity. Variable Costs do vary with Quantity.

Make a sentence using hypothesis controlled experiment and variable?

Make a sentence using hypothesis, controlled experiment and variable. Make a sentence using hypothesis, controlled experiment and variable.

What you add to an experiment to make a change?

You add an independent variable to an experiment to make a change. This variable is manipulated by the researcher to see if it has an effect on the outcome of the experiment.

When an experiment show that one variable make another variable change and no other variable have any effect experiment?
