

Describe methods in securing data

Updated: 11/22/2022
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Q: Describe methods in securing data
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There are five different methods in collecting data. The methods in data collect are registration, questionnaires, interviews, direct observations, and reporting.

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Passwords are strings of characters used to authenticate users' identities. Authenticators are devices or methods used to confirm the identity of a user seeking access. Both are essential for securing accounts and data from unauthorized access.

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two methods of presenting data 1.tabular form 2.pictorial form

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Data is stored as objects and can be interpreted only using the methods specified by its class.

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Best Management Practices (BMPs): Implementing BMPs involves strategies such as controlling erosion, managing stormwater runoff, and promoting ecosystem restoration to minimize nonpoint source pollution. Riparian buffers: Planting and maintaining vegetation along water bodies helps filter pollutants, reduce sediment runoff, and provide habitat for wildlife, thus serving as a natural way to control nonpoint source pollution. Urban planning and zoning regulations: Implementing land use policies that promote smart growth, limit impervious surfaces, and encourage green infrastructure can help reduce nonpoint source pollution from urban areas by managing development in a sustainable manner.