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Q: Describe two situations in which you might use negative and postitive integers?
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Which term is used to describe integers that are less than 0?

They are negative integers.

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it is a negative answer

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What is the set of all numbers containing zero as well as all postitive and negative numbers?

The answer depends on what do you mean by "all". It could be the set of all integers, the set of all rationals or the set of all reals.

Should positive go to positive in a circuit?

No, this will not work. Postitive to Negative/Negative to Positive will work.

Is an electron postitive?

Electrons are negative, protons are positive and neutrons are neutral.

Negative 4 plus postitive 5 equal?

16 + -5 =

How willyou describe the quotient of two positive or two negative integere?

As a quotient of two integers!

Are all none negative integers are negative integers?

An integer is either positive (non-negative), or negative, or zero. There are no negative non-negative integers.

What are non positive integers?

Non-positive integers are zero and the negative integers.

What is negative 4 times postitive 4?

-16. A negative number multiplied by a positive number always yields a negative result.

What is the negative set of integers for 224?

There is no such thing as a negative set of integers. There can be a set of negative integers, but that is not the same thing. And even that does not make sense.There is no such thing as a negative set of integers. There can be a set of negative integers, but that is not the same thing. And even that does not make sense.There is no such thing as a negative set of integers. There can be a set of negative integers, but that is not the same thing. And even that does not make sense.There is no such thing as a negative set of integers. There can be a set of negative integers, but that is not the same thing. And even that does not make sense.