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If your calculations result in figure that is very different from your estimate then you know there has been a mistake: either in your estimate or your calculation. It means that you do not blindly continue with an incorrect answer.

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Q: Describe why estimating a sum or difference before adding or subtracting is useful?
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What do it mean do find a sum or difference in fraction?

The sum is the answer for adding and the difference is the answer for subtracting...

What is the difference from adding and subtracting?

adding is 2+2=4 and subtraction is 2-2=0

When adding two numbers you get a sum but when subtracting two numbers what do you get?

a difference

What is the difference between increase and decrease?

the incerase is adding and the decrease is subtracting :)

What is the difference between subtracting a negative integer and adding a positive integer?

In the end, there is no difference because subtracting a negative integer is the same as adding a positive integer. 1-(-1)=2 1+1=2

How can estimating be helpful before finding the actual product?

It is helpful because when you are finished estimating (for example: multpliying, diving, adding or subtracting) it's like checking your work that's why it can be helpful to estimate before finding the actual product.

What is the difference between adding and subtracting?

Adding is when you add numbers to something and subtracting is when you take them away. When you add you do not always make the number go up for example 5 + (-7)= -2.

What is the opposite of sum in math?

Difference. A sum is the result of adding two numbers, and a difference is the result of subtracting two numbers.

How are adding and subtracting fractions similar?

Subtracting a fraction is the same as adding its negative.

How many more is subtracting or adding?


Is sum adding or subtracting?


What are the operation of polynomials?

Adding and subtracting polynomials is simply the adding and subtracting of their like terms.