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With constant number of windings and current, the magnetic field density of a solenoid remains constant. However, magnetic flux is determined by the flow of magnetic field force through a given area. Therefore, the area is linearly and directly proportional to the magnetic flux.

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Q: Determine the effect of variable area to the magnetic flux within the solenoid at constant number of windings and current?
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What is the effect of variable area to the magnetic flux within the solenoid at constant number of windings and current?

Increasing the variable area of the solenoid will result in a change in the magnetic flux within the solenoid while keeping the number of windings and current constant. This is because the magnetic flux is directly proportional to the cross-sectional area of the solenoid. Therefore, as the area increases, the magnetic flux will also increase, and vice versa.

How do you determine constant or variable?

By using algebra. You have to isolate the variable and use the constants to find the varaible.

Is there any device which can convert constant magnetic flux into variable flux?

A generator, in general.

What do you think is the constant variable?

A parameter can be thought of as a constant variable. It is a variable for which you determine a value, or whose value you change to see its effects on the situation modeled. The term is used in Geometry, Statistics, Physics and Engineering nas well as other fields.

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The constant is the number; the variable is the letter.

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The question is about an oxymoronic expression. A constant cannot be a variable and a variable cannot be a constant!

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Constant variable

An investigation in which all variables except one remain constant is?

A controlled experiment. In a controlled experiment, all variables apart from the independent variable are kept constant to accurately determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. This helps ensure that any observed changes are due to the manipulated variable and not other factors.

What should be held constent in experiment?

Everything should be held constant except for one independent variable, the one thing you change. If you don't keep everything else constant, you can't determine the cause of changes in the dependent variable.

Is a constant a number variable or the product of a number and one or more variables?

A constant is not a variable at all, and none of its factors was a variable. It is constant.

What does a constant do in c plus plus?

A constant is a variable that does not change. The correct term is constant variable.

What is the opposite of the word constant?

The opposite of the word "constant" is "variable".