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Red, Blue, and Green.


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Q: Determine which cones are involved in seeing the color white?
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What part of the eye is responible for color?

The iris is responsible for determining the color of the eye. Pigment cells in the iris determine the color by filtering the light that passes through the eye. The amount and type of pigment present in the iris determines the color of the eye.

What cells in the eye detect light and dark but not color?

Rods are for seeing light and dark, cones are for seeing color.

What cones are involoved seeing the color white?

The cones involved in seeing the color white are all three types: red, green, and blue cones. When all three types are activated equally and to a high level, the brain interprets this as the color white.

What light-sensitive cells in the eye detect light and dark but not color?

Rods are for seeing light and dark, cones are for seeing color.

What are rods and cones for a cows eye?

Rods are a part of the eye that takes in low light. Cones are located in the retina and they are responsible for seeing in color. All mammals have rods and cones in their eyes.

Why are you seeing colors at all?

Because your eyes have cones that detect color. Rods detect black and white.

Does eye color determine color blindness?

No, eye color does not determine color blindness. Color blindness is a genetic condition caused by abnormalities in the cones of the retina that detect color, and it can affect people of any eye color.

What do cones respond to?

Cones respond to color .

What are the cells of the retina that detect color?

cones for color,rod are for black and white

What do you use cones for?

cones are used to see color............:)

Are labs color blind?

The eyes of both people and dogs contain special light catching cells called cones that respond to color. Dogs have fewer cones than humans which suggests that their color vision won't be as rich or intense as ours. However, the trick to seeing color is not just having cones, but having several different types of cones, each tuned to different wavelengths of light. Human beings have three different kinds of cones and the combined activity of these gives humans their full range of color vision.

What are the cones in the retina for?

cones help us to see color