/* Multiplication of matrics is very easy in c, here is code below */
int temp=0;
int arr[3][3]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
int arr1[3][3]={10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18} ;
for(int i=0;i<=2;i++)
for(int j=0;j<=2;j++)
for(int k=0;k<3;k++)
temp = temp+ (arr1[j][k]* arr[k][j]);
A data matrix bar code is used on almost very product which is found in stores. The data matrix bar code is used to identify a product and find the price in a computer system.
Here is an example code snippet in MATLAB that converts a string into a matrix: str = '123456789'; % input string numChars = length(str); % number of characters in the string matrixSize = ceil(sqrt(numChars)); % calculate the size of the resulting matrix % pad the string with zeros to make it divisible by the matrix size str = [str, num2str(zeros(1, matrixSize^2 - numChars))]; % reshape the string into a matrix matrix = reshape(str, matrixSize, matrixSize); This code takes an input string and calculates the size of the matrix needed to store all the characters. It then pads the string with zeros to make it divisible by the matrix size. Finally, it uses the reshape function to convert the string into a matrix.
These lines of instructional code are known as Source Code.
Program Element Code (PEC)
See related links for sample code and step-by-step Java tutor on how to develop a tic-tac-toe program.
I really don't understand you.....
i want hamming code matrix (h and g)
just type "chikosalovakia" on gw basic .......................it will give you all instructions............it is a special code.................
A data matrix bar code is used on almost very product which is found in stores. The data matrix bar code is used to identify a product and find the price in a computer system.
Matrix Code
Input a code into the matrix.
The generator matrix is made out of that code word and all the possibilities for the code words. The number of rows of the generator matrix are the number of message bits and the number of columns are equal to the total number of bits i.e parity bits + message bits. The only necessary condition is that each row of generator matrix is linearly independent of the other row.
A line of software code is called a line of source code... Come on now.Source lines of code (SLOC) is a software metric used to measure the size of a software program by counting the number of lines in the text of the program's source code. SLOC is typically used to predict the amount of effort that will be required to develop a program, as well as to estimate programming productivity or effort once the software is produced.see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_lines_of_code
See Numpy (a Python library for general N-dimensional matrix operations): http://numpy.org/
assume that u have received a code, you multiply it to parity check matrix and it results to syndrome, the syndrome identify you the error code from table look up which can be made by multiplying any probable error pattern in generator matrix.
Lines of code is a software used to measure the amount of code in a software program. It estimates the amount of exertion that is needed to develop a program. Function point analysis is used to measure software size by computing its performance supplied to the use. It does so by breaking down the system into smaller elements so they can be better evaluated and are easier to understand.