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Q: Did Albert Einstein gave the formula of the time machine?
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Who gave birth to Albert Einstein?

his parents

How did Albert Einstein came to America?

Albania gave him citizenship.

What instrument did albert Einstein father give him?

Albert Einstein's father gave him a violin. Einstein began playing the violin at a young age and continued playing throughout his life as a hobby.

This person gave us the theory of relativity in 1905?

Albert Einstein.

When did Albert Einstein get his compass?

Albert Einstein received his first compass at the age of five from his father, who gave it to him as a gift when he was sick in bed. Einstein later credited this experience as having a profound impact on his curiosity about the underlying principles of the natural world.

What mathmetition gave pi its symbol?

i think it was albert Einstein gave pi its symbol but im not sure.

What instrument did Albert Einstein's father give him when he was 5?

Albert Einstein's father gave him a violin when he was 5 years old. Einstein began taking violin lessons at a young age.

What kind of things did Albert Einstein really invent?

Einstein did not invent anything. He gave us whole new theories.

What were Albert Einstein's nicknames?

When Einstein was a young child, one of the family's maids used to call him "der Depperte," which is German for "the dopey one."Contrary to popular belief, Einstein's nickname was not "Tete." That was the nickname he and his wife gave their second son, Eduard, who was born in 1910.

Who invented numeracy?

albert Einstein gave whoever invented numeracy the starting point

What gift did Albert Einstein leave to science?

Albert Einstein's gift to science was his theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity. This theory laid the foundation for modern physics and has had a profound impact on many areas of science and technology.

What is the name of the famous scientist who gave us newtons three laws of motion?

Albert Einstein