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Q: Did Michael Ballard inherit 1 million dollars?
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Did Michael Ballard get a million dollars left to him in a will?

The way to find out...Watch Full Throttle Saloon Wednesday nite and it will show you if she was a fraud or not a fraud...

A sentence for inherit?

Inherit is a verb. She was due to inherit over a million dollars from her grandfather, who had built his successful business from the ground up.

Who sings if you had a million dollars?

Michael Jackson

Is Paige Melendez relatted to King Tutankhamun?

Yes she is and in about five years she will inherit northern Egypt. And inherit about 7 million American dollars.

When did Michael Jackson buy the beatles songbook?

Michael Jackson paid 47 million dollars for the Beatle's music catalogue in 1985.

May you have a million dollars?

If you are lucky you may inherit a million dollars or if you are lucky you may win a million dollars in a lottery. However, most people have to work for their money and a million dollars takes a lot of work to accumulate. if you really want money get a job you lazy person. and if you are asking me if i can i have a millon dollars than the answer is yes please:)

What is the value of Michael Jackson perfume?

1 million dollars

Did Michael Jackson pay 48 million dollars for Neverland Ranch?

No, it was around 17 million.

How do you win 1 million dollars?

Win the Lotto!!! $$$$$ Win the power ball Inherit a million dollars from a long lost relative Here's an idea...Go take a dump and hope that theirs a milion dollars stuck in your piece of crap.

What is George Michael's net worth?

100 Million US dollars .

What is George Michael's net worth?

100 Million US dollars .

Michael Phelps net worth?

according to NewsDaily its 3 million US dollars. according to other sources about 5-10 million US dollars. average net worth is 6 million US dollars.