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Descartes did not invent polynomials.
Philosophically, Descartes was concerned with the existence of reality.
Rene Descartes was a French mathematician who created coordinated geometry.
Both Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes created scientific methods. Francis Bacon was a philosopher and Rene Descartes was a philosopher and mathematician.
Rene Descartes was the first to do anything really interesting with them. The Latin form of Descartes is Cartesius and the familiar X-Y coodinates are known as Cartesian coordiates after Descartes.
René Descartes had two siblings, an older brother named Pierre and a younger sister named Jeanne.
René Descartes had two siblings: a brother named Paul and a sister named Jeanne. Both of his siblings entered religious life, while Descartes pursued a career in philosophy and mathematics.
René Descartes' mother was Jeanne Brochard and father Joachi.
A town that Descartes born was renamed into 'Descartes"
Rene Descartes has not married but had an illegitimate daughter Francine who died at the young age of 5 due to a fever. He had decided take control for her education but 'passed' her as his niece.
Rene Descartes
Joachim Descartes
Descartes did not have a middle name. His full name was René Descartes.
Rene descartes mother is Michelle descarted
Descartes Prize was created in 2000.
Francine Descartes was born in 1635.
Tour Descartes was created in 1988.