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Q: Did girls have classes with boys in the 1950s?
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Should boys and girls be in separate classes?

No, because boys and girls are the same but a different gender so they don't have to be separate in classes so its OK!

Why should boys and girls have their own separate school?

Boys and girls should be in separate classes because the boys fall behind quicker, and interact better with guys. Girls interact better with girls.

Where there more girls than boys in the classes in the olden days?

i believe there were more boys then girls because boys more intelegent then girls so the boys would go to school and the girls would stay home and cleaning and stuff

Does Jason Wright teach boys and girls basketball?

Yes, Jason Wright teaches boys and girls together. I know because I signed up for basketball classes with him and it said boys and girls may participate.

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Is practical center co or not?

No, its not. They have separate days for boys and girls to attend classes. Girls go Thursday to Saturday and boys go from Monday to Wednesday.Hope this helps :)

How was life in 1950s?

At school in the 1950s if boys got in trouble they would get hit with a cane or throun at with a slipper. When the girls had to stay behind school writing lines that is what we call a ditention.

Why did girls and boys do different thing at school in Victorian times?

Yes, the boys and the girls were separated in classes.

What where the classes in the apache tribe?

There were no classes in the tribe. Young boys were taught to hunt and fight. Girls to cook, and to take care of the camp.

Could boys and girls go to schoolin the 1950s?

Yes. Schools were very much the way they are today in the 1950's.

Are all girl and all boy classes better than mixed classes?

All boy/girl classes are much better then mixed classes because girls and boys learn at different paces.