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Yes, he did.

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Q: Did john mccrae write more than one poem?
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Where did John McCrae write in flanders field?

John McCrae wrote the poem "In Flanders Fields" at a dressing station near Ypres, Belgium, during World War I. This poem serves as a poignant tribute to soldiers who died in battle.

Who wrote the poem in Flandrs Fields?

John McCrae

How many poems did John McCrae write?

John McCrae, a Canadian poet and soldier, is best known for writing the famous war poem "In Flanders Fields." While he wrote other poems and literary works throughout his career, this particular poem has become his most popular and enduring piece.

Why did john mccrae wrote the flanders field poetry?

John McCrae wrote the poem after his friend and formal student Alexander Helmer died at age 22.

What does the Flander's poem mean?

It probably refers to In Flanders Field by John McCrae.

What poetic devices are in the poem Flanders Fields by John McCrae?

not too many

Name of in the poem flanders fields the poppies blow?

In Flanders Fields - John McCrae

Who wrote the poem In Flanders' Fields?

The poem "In Flanders' Fields" was written by John McCrae, a Canadian military physician during World War I. It was inspired by his experiences on the battlefield and quickly became one of the most famous and enduring war poems.

Why did John McCrae write In Flanders Field?

Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae wrote Flanders field to express his feelings after the death of a young friend and former student, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer of Ottawa who had been killed on May 2, 1915, by a shell burst. He wrote the poem to express his anguish and his feelings towards war and what he saw was happening.

Who wrote 'In Flanders Fields'?

This very powerful war poem was written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD - of the Canadian Army.

Who wrote flander fields?

This very powerful war poem was written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD - of the Canadian Army.

What famous poem was written by a lieutenant colonel of the Canadian army?

In Flanders Fields was written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae of the Canadian Army.