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Q: Did pat jennings have one hand bigger than the other?
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yes one human hand is bigger than the other

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Why is your hand slightly curved inwards from thumb side and bigger than other?

Made like that to be able to hold things correctly

Do you have a bigger foot than the other?

yes one human foot is bigger than the other

Is one foot bigger than the other?

yes one foot is bigger than the other

What is the worlds largest coin?

proboly not bigger than your hand

What is bigger than a pig but can fit in your hand?

Guinea pig

Is a title wave bigger than a soonamy?

Tidal waves aren't bigger than tsunami's, as tidal waves are frequently smaller than a person, let alone higher than their knees. Tsunami's on the other hand have sufficient water to flood cities and states.

What is living but not visible smaller than your hand but bigger than a peanut?

a baby mouse