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Q: Did the roundheads have a positive impact?
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During the civil war in England the Puritan supporters of Oliver Cromwell were called?

Cromwell defender: Protector His supporters were called Roundheads

Who did the roundheads support?

The Roundheads supported Parliament. They fought against Charles I and his supporters who believed in Absolute Monarchy and the Divine Right of Kings.

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What tactics did Roundheads use in the Civil War?

the roundheads didnt have any tactics at alll

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When you say consequences they are all positive. When you say impact, they may be positive or negative, such as positive impact or negative impact. But we don't use phrases like positive consequence or negative consequence. But there are surely positive and negative impacts! What do you say?

What did the roundheads do?


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Russia had a positive impact on itself because without itself, it wouldn't be here to have an impact on itself.

Who was the roundheads?

Oliver Cromwell

What is a roundhead?

Roundheads was the name given to soldiers who supported Cromwell and the Parliamentarians. They were called Roundheads after the shape of the helmets that they wore.

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the reaction of positive enviromental impact of tourism and negative