Yes I did! in the early sixties. I remember going to the neighborhood grocery store in So. Cal. and my mother purchasing a pair for 13-15 cents in summertime for all us kids.
It is either heads or tails.
Synchronous CountersSynchronous counters typically consist of a memory element, which is implemented using flip-flops, and a combinational element, which is traditionally implemented using logic gates. Logic gates are logic circuits with one or more input terminals and one output terminal, in which the output is switched between two voltage levels determined by a combination of input signals. The use of logic gates for combinational logic typically reduces the cost of components for counter circuits to an absolute minimum, so it remains a popular approach.Clock PulseSynchronous counters have an internal clock, whereas asynchronous counters do not. As a result, all the flip-flops in a synchronous counter are driven simultaneously by a single, common clock pulse. In an asynchronous counter, the first flip-flop is driven by a pulse from an external clock and each successive flip-flop is driven by the output of the preceding flip-flop in the sequence. This is the essential difference between synchronous and asynchronous counters.Asynchronous CountersAsynchronous counters, also known as ripple counters, are the simpler type, requiring fewer components and less circuitry than synchronous counters. Asynchronous counters are easier to construct than their synchronous counterparts, but the absence of an internal clock also introduces several major disadvantages. The flip-flops in an asynchronous counter change states at different times, so the delays in changing from one state to another -- known as propagation delays -- add up to create an overall delay. The more flip-flops an asynchronous counter contains, the greater the overall delay.ConsiderationsTypically, asynchronous counters are less useful than synchronous counters in complex, high-frequency systems. Some integrated circuits react faster than others, so if an external event occurs close to a transition between states -- when some, but not all, the integrated circuits have changed state -- it may introduce errors into the counter. Such errors are difficult to predict because of the randomly variable time difference between events. Furthermore, propagation delays can make it difficult to detect, or decode, the output state of an asynchronous counter circuit electronically.
Since there is only 2 sides to a coin...tails will come up 50% of the time.
time zone
50% Every time you flip a coin, there is a 50% chance it will come up heads and a 50% chance it will come up tails, no matter how many times you have already flipped it, and no matter what the results were of previous flips.
With shoes in mind:Flip Flops are known as Flip Flops simply because when you walk you flip and flop your feet + it sounds EXTRA cool... .With Digital Electronics in mind:Flips Flops are known to be Bistable, meaning it can be stable in either one of two states, as shown below:"0 or 1"But the state of a Flip Flop doesn't remain constant the whole time, it continually "flips" from one state to the other, which serves as the very reason why they are called Flip Flops.
Flip flops
Yup its very common to do so. Every time I wear my flip flops to the cinema or to school I always remove my flip flops when I'm sitting down. It's just comfortable!
The Teva company currently produces thirteen styles of flip flops for men, nineteen styles for women, and the website also sells other types of sandals. The company is probably producing more styles of flip flops all the time.
The primary disadvantages of flip flop is their reacting time between the input signal and resultant Output if the signal changes between this reaction time the flip flop is unable to identify....... another disadvantage is that their is a Race between the flip flops when connected togather to change their stages
Over time, yes. Shoes or sandals without heel straps are not that good for you.
they are for short term wear but are very dangerous for long term wear all the time
The essence of clear is to bring the counter to its initial counting position any time it is acted upon.
The thong bikini is said to have been invented by Rose de Primo - a Brazilian model that was scheduled for a bikini photo shoot.
To avoid setup time violations:The combinational logic between the flip-flops should be optimized to get minimum delay.Redesign the flip-flops to get lesser setup time.Tweak launch flip-flop to have better slew at the clock pin, this will make launch flip-flop to be fast there by helping fixing setup violations.Play with clock skew (useful skews).To avoid hold time violations:By adding delays (using buffers).One can add lockup-latches (in cases where the hold time requirement is very huge, basically to avoid data slip).
I go to the chiropractor very often and am a flip flop person. They don't ask you to remove anything except your jacket if you're wearing one. The first time in went I wore them and they slipped a little bit but if u tighten up your toes it hold onto them, ever since then my flip flops have never fallen off.
Men can wear flip flops and not be gay. There are many guys at my school who do and aren't gay. If you wear the tiny thong ones then you are a bit fruity, but the bigger thong ones don't and if there cheap then you look gay.