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No, it isn't bad at all. But you could improve your time by alot if you trained before season, you could probably cut it down by alot.

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Q: Did you do bad on the mile if you ran 13 minutes and 3 seconds and you are a 11 year old girl?
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Who is the fastest 11 year old girl?

i am not sure but my daughter ran a mile in 6 minutes and 18 seconds.

What is the fastest time for the mile?

the fastest mile time for 14 year-olds is 5 minutes and 59 seconds

Is a five minutes and fifty nine seconds mile fast for a fourteen year old what is the average?

Six minutes is a decent mile time for anyone.

Half mile times for 11 year olds?

im 11 and i did the half a mile in 2 minutes and 25 seconds im trying to get 2 minutes

What is the time for a 12 year old sixth grader to run 100 meters if your mile is 7 minutes 48 seconds?

i am 12 and in 6th grade. for the mile run, i got 6 minutes and 14 seconds. 328 feet for me if i went full boost... about 1 minute... i really don't know. but last year i got 8 minutes and 10 seconds for the mile run, and the year before that.. i got 7 minutes and 48 seconds!!! not joking!!! that was 4th grade. back then i could have might have ran 328 feet in 1 minute and 45 seconds or just a little less than 2 minutes. in fourth grade.

What is the average 6 mile run for a 17 year old girl?

43 minutes

What is the top speed for a 12 year old boy?

The top running speed for a 12 year old boy is about 1 mile in 8 minutes. Anything at around 8 minutes and 40 seconds per mile is considered great.

Is 5 minutes and 15 seconds a good mile time for a thirteen year old boy?

yes this is a very good time. my mile time is five minutes and forty seconds. im 14 and im in the top of my school for running. that's very good.

If your a fifteen year male and you run the mile in 5 minutes and 20 seconds is that better than average?

A little but not much.

What is the fastest one mile time?

3:43 seconds ran by a 14 year old kid.

What is the fastest mile time by a 14 year old girl?

Ammar Mazrui ran a 4:41 in 2005 in the last mile race in the track season.

What is the average mile time for a thirteen year old girl?

Since the presidential is about 8:23, I probably guess that is the average mile time for a thirteen year old girl. But then again, that may vary. I just ran my mile and I am 13 years old, i got a 7:22. Girls tend to do better on the fitness testings and therefore get at least 30 seconds to 1 minute or faster. But others are very different. One may get 10 minutes and stay for 10 minutes. Hopefully, I've answered this question.