Book value of asset is the value of asset shown in books of accounts while fair value of asset is the current price at which that product is selling or sellable in market.
No. You incur a loss when you sell something for less than its book value. So, for example, if land is on your books for $1,000 and you sell it for $600, you would incur a net loss.A net loss is the difference between revenues and expenses, when the result comes out negative. If a company has $3,000 in revenues and $3,500 in expenses, it would incur a $500 net loss.In accounting, sales discounts are deducted from sales price to compute the net sales
the difference between has and have is that you use has in sentences with : ( she , he and it ) for example : she has a book . but you use have in sentences with : ( I , you , we and they ) for example : you have a book , I have a book .
u r stupid read ur book! loll
Accounting is important because you need to know how to budget your money properly. You also need to know how to balance your check book.
The Koran is the holy book for the followers of Islam (called Moslems or Muslims), and tells about Mohammad. The King James Bible is the holy book for Protestant Christians, and tells about the Law and the Prophets, and Jesus and the Apostles.
Straight from my text, the difference is that an accounting balance sheet omits significant assets and liabilities and the accounting balance sheet does not report all assets and liabilities at their market value (the accounting balance sheet records a book value; ie the dollar value paid for an item). With respect to which assets and liabilities that are omitted, I am not sure.
distinguish between book keeping and accounting
Book value is the value that is written into a company's books for as asset. Par value, is the face value of an asset, as it is entered into the company's charter. The difference between the two is where it is entered, and how one arrives at the figure.
Well easy-The answer lies in understanding the difference between book-keeping and accounting. You know there are many other sites that could have given this answer straight away....
Book value is an estimate of what an item could or should sell for, market value is what people will pay.
Book value is an estimate of what an item could or should sell for, market value is what people will pay.
You can understand it as Eating ==> Accounting, Food ==> Accountancy Accountancy is profession while accounting is methodology.
The book value is the difference between a company's assets and their total liabilities. It is usually drawn from the balance sheet of a company.
Shrinkage is the difference between the stock on the inventory book and the actual physical stock. Shrinkage is also deifned as the difference between the value ( retail price ) of the stock on the inventory book and the value of the ( retail price ) actual physical stock. Shrinkage % is calculated as the difference between the value ( retail price ) of the stock on the inventory book and the value of the ( retail price ) actual physical stock by the retail sales of this volume
The book value of something like a car is what it should be worth. The written down value is actually what somebody would be willing to pay for it.
Book Value is the difference between the cost of an asset and the accumulated depreciation of that asset.
Deferred tax is an accounting concept, meaning a future tax liability or asset, resulting from temporary differences between book (accounting) value of assets and liabilities and their tax value, or timing differences between the recognition of gains and losses in financial statements and their recognition in a tax computation