Bug : problem found during Testing Cycle is called as 'Bug'
Issue : Problem found by user in Production Environment is called as 'Issue'
Volume is the number of issues in a year.
"There is not a dime's worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican Parties!" Alabama Governor George Wallace, candidate for President, 1968 Can be taken to mean that what are presented as very different approaches to an issue turn out, in the end, to have nearly identical results.
An official "US Mint Set" is a Uncirculated coin set. They have uncirculated examples of every denomination issued from each mint for the year of issue. They are the same.
It depends on the age of the younger person. If both are adults, there is no issue. However, if one is a teenager there could be legal issues in addition to developmental ones.
Nothing is strictly related between population density and biology. Population density is linked to other factors. This is a statistical demographics issue..
Software testing is one of the activities encompasses in Software engineering. COMPARISON: ISSUE SOFTWARE ENGINEERS TESTER ---- Scope Relates programming to the Emphasize testing independent to final application application ---- Business Collabrate with others in Emphasize individuals Context business Work ---- ---- ---- Team sizeIndividuals to large team Emphasizes individuals. Software testing is one of the activities encompasses in Software engineering. COMPARISON: ISSUE SOFTWARE ENGINEERS TESTER ---- Scope Relates programming to the Emphasize testing independent to final application application ---- BusinessCollabrate with others in Emphasize individuals Contextbusiness Work ---- ---- ---- Team size Individuals to large team Emphasizes individuals.
The difference between our perspectives on this issue lies in our individual viewpoints and beliefs.
Refer the TestingExperience magacice..Mar 2011 issue..there is an article on this topic
When you create a software you create a model or psuedocode then a flowchart for the preocess which can be called as Process Model then execution of the Software. If you have made the model correclty minimal issue wil be found during beta testing and perhaps common issue and every problem are possible to fix since you know where in the process model causes the problem. Process model can really affect the software if we did not implement and go throurh a series of testing.
Politics and semantics
StudentnSW not in critical usenReliability, robustness not importantnNo investmentnDon't care about portabilityIndustrial StrengthnSupports important functions / businessnReliability , robustness are very importantnHeavy investmentnPortability is a key issue here
the difference between a macro and a micro issue is that a macro issue is something that is a big issue and a micro issue is a small issue like a big issue is something that you need alot and a micro issue is something that you don't need alot.
nonfactual issue are based on certain established thruth
There is a small difference between rights and public issues is simple. Rights involve the individual or small group and public generally involves the whole.
It is no difference
Volume is the number of issues in a year.