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Q: Difference between line driver and ttl?
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What is 232 in RS232 and MAX232?

The difference between max232 and rs232 is the voltage levels of the rs232 are high. In order to reduce those voltage means to convert those voltage levels to TTL logic levels we use max232 integrated chip which is a dual driver/ receiver.

What is the line of business of TTL?

TTL in the ISO/OSI Stack (IP Networks) ======================= TTL (Time To Live) is the time a message has to live given in hops. Each time the package is forwarded this counter counts down. With the TTL one avoids a datagram being routed in circles and cloaking the "intertube"'s up.

Interfacing of ttl with cmos and cmos with ttl?

whis is Endurance mors or ttl

What is a TTL-compatible output?

Compatibility in TTL means that the output of one TTL device can be used to drive the Input of the other TTL device , This because the low and high output window fit inside the low and high input window/profile TTL stand for Transistor Transistor Logic, so any voltage between 0 and 5 volt is compatible where any voltage between 3V and 5V is logic 1 and zero volt is logic 0

What is a TTL compatible output?

A: TTL gates operates on the premise of having +5 dc on the rail therefore the output will be in the range +5 volts. A cmos gate while similar to a TTL function is not really compatible since the output volts can be 12 volts or more. Besides that TTL gates require some input current for it to operate

Which has a shorter propagation delay TTL or CMOS?


What is the full form of TTL?

TTL stands for Time To Live

What is the value of ttl set to in Tunnel mode for IPSec?

TTL is set to 40

TTL logic is preferred to DRL logic?

TTL is faster and does not lose amplitude

What it the fullform of TTL in ping utility?

The full form of TTL is Time To Live

Which logic family has the least propagation delay?

Here are the propagation delays for these gatesa) ECL = 2nsb) TTL = 1.5-33ns depending on the type of TTL. Conventional TTL is 9ns, Advanced Schottky TTL is 1.5nsc) RTL = 25nsd) CMOS = 5-20ns depending on if it is conventional CMOS, TTL pin compatible CMOS, high speed TPC CMOS or TTL compatible CMOSSo the fastest would be the Advanced Schottky TTL (74ASxx) at 1.5ns but the choice simply said TTL which I would interpret as Conventional TTL (74xx/54xx) which would have a propagation delay at 9ns.So the winner is ... (a) ECL which has a propagation delay at 2ns.

Why is setting the TTL to a small number a bad Idea?

Because a TTL determines the maximum number of days the server will TTL of 0 means that the resource record should not be cached.