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The position of the centromere in the recombinant products.

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Q: Difference between paracentric and pericentric inversion?
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What is the difference between the terms inversion and eversion?

Inversion of the foot is to face the sole of your foot inward toward your midline and eversion is to face the sole of your foot away.

What is the difference between inversion and eversion?

Inversion is the movement of the foot where the sole of the foot turns inward, while eversion is the opposite movement where the sole of the foot turns outward. These movements occur at the ankle joint and are important for maintaining balance and stability while walking or running.

What is the relation between inversion and neutral temperature?

inversion temperature Ti is twice the neutral temperature Tn.

Working principle of laser?

Get enough photons into "population inversion" as you can between two mirrors an it will lase. One mirror must allow some light out to work. Population inversion caused by pumping the cavity with light or electrons.

How do you use inversion in a sentence?

Example sentence - It can be colder in the valley due to the temperature inversion in the winter.

Why don't wooden roller coasters have inversions?

Wood does bend to form the loop. One wooden coaster used to they used steel for the loop. ^ that answer is really terrible and doesn't make sense....-.- they asked about INVERSIONS not one loop. there is a big difference between some simple loop and an inversion.

The atmospheric relationship between altitude and temperatureis known as?

Its known as either a temperature lapse or a temperature inversion. Hope this helps! :)

What is difference between as on and as at?

difference between as on and as at

What is the relationship between temperature and altitude in the exosphere?

In the exosphere, temperature increases with altitude. This is because the particles in the exosphere are far apart, so there is no transfer of heat through conduction or convection. Instead, the few particles present gain energy from solar radiation, causing an increase in temperature as altitude increases.

How would you describe the relationship between a thermal inversion and pollution?

A thermal inversion is a weather phenomenon where warm air traps cooler air near the ground, preventing pollutants from dispersing. This can lead to an increase in pollution levels, as the trapped pollutants accumulate and linger in the lower atmosphere.

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What is the difference between Florida and California What is the difference between Florida and California

What are the differences between translocation and inversion mutations?

Translocation mutations involve the interchange of genetic material between non-homologous chromosomes, leading to the relocation of a segment of DNA. Inversion mutations involve a segment of DNA being flipped in orientation within the same chromosome. Both mutations can result in changes to gene expression and potentially cause genetic disorders.