%p prints a pointer, %x prints an integer. They may be similar, but not the same. Eg.
printf ("ptr=%p int=%d\n", main, (int)main);
DOS: ptr=0F01:0010 int=10
Windows: ptr=:0F010010 int=F010010
d i c k
c=90 degrees s=180 degrees
transitive means for example, "if a=b and b=c, then a=c". reflexive means for example, "a=a, b=b, c=c, etc."
A syntax error is when you break the grammar rules of the language, such as forgetting to terminate a C++ statement with a semi-colon. A logical error is when your code does not perform as expected, typically due to an assumption that proves to be incorrect.
12 deg F is -11.11... deg C so the difference is 5.11... degrees in the Celsius scale. However, since neither scale is absolute it would be incorrect to say that the difference is 5.11... deg C. It would be correct to say that the difference is 5.11... Kelvin since that is an absolute scale. All that sounds rather complicated and an illustration might help. To start with we know (or can calculate) that -40 deg C = -40 deg F. So what is the difference between -40 deg C and -40 deg F? Since -40 deg F = -40 deg C, the difference is 0 deg on the Celsius scale. But 0 deg C is 32 deg F so does that make the difference 32 deg F? No, because the difference on the F scale is also 0 deg.
The C and C programming languages are one and the same. There is no difference between those languages.
C is a programming language. A shell is an interface.
turbo is word to do the programming language in c & c++ and i do no about borland
An operating system is a program that can be written in C
turbo c is a compiler and c++ is a programming language.
(C - F) percent.
It is just a different coding language, but C is more for business that VBNET
The fundamental difference is that in C++ object-oriented programming (OOP) was added. C is a procedural language (that means. top-down structure design), where as C++, which is an extension of C itself, is an object oriented language.
The programming language: Visual Basic is a BASIC-like (or BASIC-derived) language, Visual C is... well C.
main difference b/w c and c++ is that c is procedural language whereas c++ is object oriented language also classes are not used in c but in c++ classes are used.
java is an advanced object oriented programming language than c++
It's pretty much like the case of apple and fruit.C language is one of the programming languages.