Qualitative and quantitative data are both 2 important types of data. Qualitative data is data based on observation and description. An easy way to remember this, Qualitative ---> QUALity. Examples of qualitative data are when you record colors, smells, textures, etc... Quantitative data is based on numerical values. An easy way to remember this, Quantitative ---> QUANTity. An example of quantitative data are any type of numerical values.
The difference is that qualitative is wade with 1 of your 5 senses and the other one which is quantitative is an observation involving numbers.
Quantitative is like how many of the object there are, and qualitative is its color or texture (physical stuff).
Qualitative refers to what a sample is, while quantitative refers to how much of that materal is present.
yeah like
quantitive means amount, qualitative means quality or the integrity
what is the difference between qualitative and quantitative
The difference is that qualitative is wade with 1 of your 5 senses and the other one which is quantitative is an observation involving numbers.
Quantitative is like how many of the object there are, and qualitative is its color or texture (physical stuff).
Qualitative refers to what a sample is, while quantitative refers to how much of that materal is present.
yeah like
quantitive means amount, qualitative means quality or the integrity
A qualitative observation has to do with things you can't count, "The fish has black scales" is a qualitative observation. A quantitative observation has to do with things you can count, "The fish has 125 scales" is a quantitative observation. You can combine these two, an example would be "The fish has 125 black scales."
distinguish between qualitative and quantitative model
Qualitative usually refers to the quality of the work, how good, or bad, the work is. Quantitative refers to the amount, or quantity, of the work.
Qualitative test represents the substance and a quantitative test shows the amount.First Deals with descriptions, second one with numbers
A qualitative variable is a variable that has categorized values and the difference cannot be measured. A quantitative variable is a variable that consist of ordinary values and the difference can be measured. Depending on the type of class rank it can be both qualitative as quantitative.
Quantitative means it can be measured. Qualitative is something that is subjective meaning there is no way to really measure it. Example: Quantitative: 2=2=4 This is always true. Qualitative: Puppies are cute. (this is only an opinion. No facts)