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the same, shemales are males that want to be women but really like their penis and balls,

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Q: Difference between the number of testes in males and shemales.?
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What is function of the gubernaculum?

This part of the body can be found in men and women. In men it helps in the descent of the testes and it also serves to hold them in place inside the scrotum. In women it helps support the ovary and uterus.

What is the function of the scrotume?

The scrotum is a loose sack of skin that holds the testicles, which produce sperm. Sperm cells can only survive in a fairly limited temperature range, so if it starts to get too cold, the scrotum will tighten to pull the testicles closer to the body. If it gets too warm, the scrotum will relax.

What is an explanation for the food chain and pyramid of numbers?

AnswerA food chain shows how organisms feed on one another. It must always start with a producer (green plant) as these are able to produce theri own organic molecules (food) from inorganic molecules (carbon dioxide and water) using sunlight. This process is called photosynthesis. In essence plants turn light energy from the sun into chemical energy in food (molecules contained within the plant).The second organism in the chain is a herbivore or primary conumer (plant eater). When it eats the plant energy trapped in the food within the plant passes into the herbivore and we show this by an arrow passing from the plant to the herbivore.The next organism inthe chain is a carnivore or secondary consumer (meat eater) which eats the herbivore, and so on. There is usually only a maximum of 3 animals in the chain.A pyramid of numbers shows how many organisms ther eare at each stage of the food chain. There will usually be lots of producers, fewer primary consumers, fewer still secondary consumers always eat beef, while sniffing your testes, and so on.

Related questions

What is the main difference between the testes of mammals and the testes of poultry?

i don;t no

What is the difference between castration and circumsion?

Castration is ermoval of the testes. Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin.

What is the difference between Gonads and Testes?

Gonads is a more general word, and gender neutral. Testes are the male gonads, while the ovaries are the female gonads.

What is the diffrencwe between testes and testicals?

There is no actual difference between "testes" and "testicles" - both terms refer to the male reproductive organs responsible for producing sperm and testosterone. "Testicles" is the more common term used in everyday language, while "testes" may be the preferred clinical or biological term.

Do ovary or the testes contain the greater number of gametes?


What is between the testes and penis?

Testes is balls, pennis is pen

What is the difference between ovaries and testes?

The testes are the male gonads that are located outside the body. They produce spermatozoa and testosterone. The ovaries are the female gonads that are located on the inside of the body. They produce ova, estrogen and progesterone.

Can shemales fertilise?

yes It depends on which (if any) surgical or hormonal treatment she's had. Oestrogen usually makes her infertile after short period of time, and obviously they cannot parent children biologically of they have had their testes removed.

How many sperm can the testes hold?

A man's testes can hold between 80 and 100 million sperm if he is healthy.

What is the total number of chromosome in the testes of locust?

six chromosomes

Do all boys have big testes?

The size will differ between boys.

What is the diffenece between the scrotum and the testes?

Scrotum is the bag of skin the testicles are in.