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Q: Disadvantages of an independent measure
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What are the disadvantages of using an independent grocer?

The disadvantages of using an independent grocer is the prices might be more expensive than your big chain supermarket as they don't have the same buying power.

What is the difference between the independent variable and the experimental variable?

the independent variable is changed, and the experimental value measure. So you control the independent variable and change it to measure the results

Which changes dependent or independent variables?

Independent changes; the dependent variable is what you will measure.

How do you find the values in an independent variable?

Measure them!

What does the y - axis measure?

Independent variable

What does IRS stand for and give two disadvantages for this system?

independent rear suspension

Is the independent variable what you measure?

no, sweetheart-and no I'm not an adult. an independent variable is something that changes in an experiment

How do you decide the independent variable?

You choose the values of the independent variable. The dependent variable is the one you measure.

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What is a dependent and independent varibale?

An independent variable is the one that you change in the experiment. A dependent variable is the one that you measure, it changes depending on the independent variable.

What is the independent variable of the activity?

When you do an experiment the variable you control is the independent variable, and the variable you measure is the dependent variable.

Can you explain a independent variable?

Independent variables do not depend on any other. Like when you count something with time, the time is independent. If you measure the elevation of a road with distance, the distance is independent.