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Q: Discuss the use of conjugates in radical problems?
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You can only use conjugates to rationalize the denominator when the denominator contains one radical term?

No, you can also use conjugates with more than one radical term. For example, if the denominator is root(2) + root(3), you can use the conjugate root(2) - root(3) to rationalize the denominator.

Can you use conjugates to rationalize the denominator even when the denominator contains two radical terms?

Yes. The original denominator and its conjugate will form the factors of a Difference of Two Squares (DOTS) and that will rationalise the denominator but only if the radicals are SQUARE roots.

What Jobs use complex conjugates?

Some of the jobs that use complex conjugates include quantum mechanics, electrical engineers and physicists. Complete understanding of generators and motors require the knowledge of imaginary numbers.

What has the author S Ramakrishnan written?

S. Ramakrishnan has written: 'Cytotoxic conjugates' -- subject(s): Antibody-drug conjugates, Antibody-toxin conjugates, Cancer, Drug therapy, Immunotherapy, Immunotoxins, Neoplasms, Neoplastic Cell Transformation, Testing, Therapeutic use

How can you use symposium in a sentence?

In light of the recent financial problems, the administrators scheduled a symposium in which they would discuss the budget.

What is meant by turning molehills into mountains how might you use that phrase to discuss someone you know?

Blows things out of proportion/exaggerates problems

What is meant by ''turning molehills into mountains'' how might you use that phrase to discuss someone you know?

Blows things out of proportion/exaggerates problems

Should you use discuss further or further discuss?

"Discuss further" is the correct phrase to use.

What are simple French verbs that start with U?

Some simple French verbs that start with the letter U are "utiliser" (to use), "oublier" (to forget), and "adorer" (to love/adore).

How do you use the word discuss?

I shall discuss physics.

Use a sentence with the word radical as a noun?

The term 'radical' is oft seen in science and math.

How do you use the word radical in a sentence?

There has been a radical increase in the world's population.The process allows you to simplify a constant radical.(slang)That skateboard move was really radical, dude!