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Q: Discuss three measures can be put in place reduce wastage?
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Discuss three measure that can be put in place to reduce wastage?

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What are actions taken or measures put in place to eliminate a hazard or reduce the associated identified risk.?

Are actions taken or measures put in place to eliminate a hazard or reduce the associated identified risk.?

Which of the following are fundamental to ORM mission success?

are actions taken or measures put in place to eliminate a hazard or reduce the associated identified risk.

Are actions taken or measures put in place to eliminate a hazard or reduce the associated identified risk?

Yes, that is correct. Safety measures and risk reduction actions are designed to either eliminate the hazard altogether or minimize its impact to prevent accidents or incidents from occurring. These proactive steps help create safer environments for individuals in various settings.

Which term most closely matches the description Actions taken or measures put in place to eliminate a hazard or reduce the associated indentified risk?

risk assessment

What is the meaning of precautionary measurement?

Precautionary measures is to be prepare for something that might happen. If a hurricane was approaching you would take the appropriate precautionary measures such as boarding up windows or buying medical / food supplies.

What is a crime prevention survey?

A crime prevention survey is a tool used to assess the security and safety measures in place in a particular area or organization. It involves evaluating potential risks, identifying vulnerabilities, and recommending strategies to prevent crime from occurring. The goal is to enhance security and reduce the likelihood of criminal activity through proactive measures.

What instrument measures percipitaion?

Rain gauze measures precipitation at the given place and time.

What steps need to be taken for storage of grains to avoid wastage and loss?

we should keep the grain in a proper way and store grains on the save place

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words to describe colombia are: interesting, a different place, and a place to discuss about.

How many people are killed by lightning each year in the Philippines?

On average, around 11-12 people are killed by lightning strikes each year in the Philippines. Lightning safety measures and awareness campaigns are in place to reduce these incidents.

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is internet changing our world into lonely and isolated place?