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Errors are normally distributed with mean 0 .

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Q: Distribution of errors in regression analysis?
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What does one have to do before a regression analysis?

Before undertaking regression analysis, one must decide on which variables will be analysed. Regression analysis is predicting a variable from a number of other variables.

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What is a regression analysis?

Regression analysis is a statistical technique to measure the degree of linear agreement in variations between two or more variables.

What is the purpose of a residual analysis in simple linear regression?

One of the main reasons for doing so is to check that the assumptions of the errors being independent and identically distributed is true. If that is not the case then the simple linear regression is not an appropriate model.

What has the author Cheng Hsiao written?

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What is the role of the stochastic error term in regression analysis?

Regression analysis is based on the assumption that the dependent variable is distributed according some function of the independent variables together with independent identically distributed random errors. If the error terms were not stochastic then some of the properties of the regression analysis are not valid.

What has the author Howard E Doran written?

Howard E. Doran has written: 'Applied regression analysis in econometrics' -- subject(s): Econometrics, Regression analysis