Speedometer reading will be over by 3%.
Since 3 divides both 240 and 285, it is tempting to start with 3 as a common divisor of both 240 and 285. However, since 3 and 5 both divide 285, and 30 divides 240, we probably should start with 15. Fifteen divides into 240 16 times with no remainder. Fifteen also divides into 285 19 times. Since 16 and 19 are relatively prime to each other, 15 is the greatest common divisor of 240 and 285.
The standard measure for 16 cubic inches is 262.2 cubic centimetres.
16'. Diameter is the measure from the edge of a circle through the middle to the opposite end.
The significance of 285 75 16 tires is that these sizes can be used on utility vehicles. These include all terrain sports utility vehicles (SUV's) and light trucks.
No, this is a horrible swap. The 285 tire will be 2.77" larger in diameter. Your speedometer will show 60 mph at an actual speed of 65.07 mph.
Yes and not, well the tires 285 75 16 fit in stock durango and Dakota if you have the 2" lift... if not the tire will rubing...
Yes these Tires will fit. The largest tire you can fit on a 99-05 silverado without rubbing is a 285/75/16, basically a 33" tire. I have heard that some people get a 295 to fit, but its not recommended.
According to the ranger station . com the 285 x 75 x 16 tire is ( 32.8 inches ) in diameter
i have a 1968 ford f250 high boy its stock tire size is 235/85/16 but it will clear 35 inch tires or some 285/75/16
I have 285/75R/16 on my 99 dodge 1500 I used my stock rims. They fit find.
Yes, you can
Yes you can
Doubtful, the 225/65 tires are narrower and shorter.