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Q: Do I put my watch 1 hr forward on the 8th of March?
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What time do you put the clock forward?

In the UK the clocks go forward one hour at 1 am on Sunday 28 March 2010.

What day do you put your clocks forward?

it depends what year you read this but if this is 2010 it would be 28th of march.

What date does time go forward?

Daylight Saving Time typically begins on the second Sunday in March each year, when clocks are set forward by one hour.

Where can you watch season 8 of star-gate?

Hulu! they just put the 8th season on! it's for free!

When do you put clocks back in 2012?

The clocks always forward on the last Sunday in March - and go back on the last Sunday in October - this year, it's October 28th. Next year, they go forward on March 31st, and back on October 27th.

Who put butter in the White Rabbit's watch?

In Disney's 1951 animation the Mad Hatter puts butter in the White Rabbit's watch.In the original books, nobody does, but the March Hare has put butter in the Hatter's watch.

Flight times from Glasgow to zante?

when you arrive there you put your watch forward 2 hours and when you land back home you put your watch back 2 hours so the flight going there will be 2 hours longer than you think until you change your watch if that makes sense its very confusing.

Is forward an adverb in the sentence Put your best foot forward?

Yes. Forward is an adverb modifying the verb "put."

Is Woodrow Wilson an entreprenuer?

no Woodrow Wilson was a president of the united states of america from march 4 1913 - march 4 1921 he was president during WWI and put forward the fourteen points which set the basis for the league of nations.

What does the Mad Hatter say is a silly thing to put in a pocket watch?

In the book, the Mad Hatter complains to the March Hare for having put butter in the watch with a bread knife, because some crumbs probably got in as well.From what I can remember, in the Disney adaptation the Mad Hatter refuses to add mustard inside the watch.

Who put butter in the Mad Hatter's watch?

The March Hare put butter in the Hatter's watch. The Hatter was the first to break the silence. `What day of the month is it?' he said, turning to Alice: he had taken his watch out of his pocket, and was looking at it uneasily, shaking it every now and then, and holding it to his ear. Alice considered a little, and then said `The fourth.' `Two days wrong!' sighed the Hatter. `I told you butter wouldn't suit the works!' he added looking angrily at the March Hare. `It was the BEST butter,' the March Hare meekly replied. `Yes, but some crumbs must have got in as well,' the Hatter grumbled: `you shouldn't have put it in with the bread-knife.' The March Hare took the watch and looked at it gloomily: then he dipped it into his cup of tea, and looked at it again: but he could think of nothing better to say than his first remark, `It was the BEST butter, you know.'

What date in 2010 does British Summertime begin?

British Summer Time (BST) starts on the night of 27/28 March at 02.00 when the clocks are put forward 1 hour.