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Two hours after your last bite

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Q: Do I test my two hour postprandial blood sugar 2 hours after I start eating or two hours after my last bite?
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When do horses start eating food?

Horses begin eating their first meal of colostrum within hours of birth.

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8-22 Hours

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How do i keep my bloodsugar level steady?

Is your blood sugar dropping high or low? If it is continually high you should start taking readouts of your blood sugars when you wake up and in the the evening and consult your doctor. Eating healthy and exercising will also help control sugar levels especially if the are high. f you blood sugar is dropping then you should start eating meals every few hours to keep it up. Skipping meals could make you dizzy, faint and confused. My best suggestion would be to visit you health care physician.

Can you start at sentence with within?

Within a few hours, the project will be completed.

What should you do if you have been starving to lose weight and have lost 11-12 lbs in the last six weeks and now your blood pressure has gotten very high?

You will end up in the hospital. Starving yourself to lose weight is not the way to go. It is unhealthy and your doctor can put you in the hospital for it. If you start eating healthy, drink lots of water and exercise your blood pressure will start to go down and you will become healthy again. (What works for me, is eating every 2 hours because that's when your metabolism is at its highest and you don't eat huge portions)

How long do pigs have to starve before they start eating humans?

guinea pigs have an incredibly fast metabolism and will die without eating within 72 hours. please don't starve your pigs.

What can I do to make my body better and healthier?

You can start by eating healthier and exercising. Eating your daily intake of fruits and vegetables and plenty of water. Exercise at least 30 min a day to heat your blood pumping.

When do dogs first start eating?

they first start eating when they have their teeth fully grown out

How do I learn more about eating for your blood type?

There are many websites and books available to help you learn to eat for your blood type. Try your local library or Dr.Oz`s website as a good place to start.

What can be done exactly to reduce high blood pressure?

To reduce high blood pressure, you can start with eating less sodium and getting more rest; these things can elevate the blood pressure, but so can other things like prolonged tension or stress.

At what age can goats start eating grass?

Young kids will start to mimic their mother at about two weeks of age and start nibbling on what their mother is eating.