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they do not form when heated! they form crystals when they are frozen bu a freezer or room tempreature.

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Q: Do Salol crystals form quicker when heated?
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What is salol?

I think that it is some sort of liquid. We used it in science class to grow crystals. * SALOL is phenyl salicylate, which comes as a white crystal and then is melted down and cooled at varying temperatures and conditions to form different size crystals.

Does ribose form osazone crystal?

Yes, ribose can form osazone crystals when treated with phenylhydrazine and heated. These crystals are characteristic of the specific sugar and can be used for identification purposes.

Why does grape jelly crystallize in refrigerator?

Grape jelly contains sugar. If the product was heated too quickly, the sugars will begin to form crystals, and these crystals will continue to grow.

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Adding water to heated copper sulfate crystals is a chemical change. When water is added to heated copper sulfate crystals, the copper sulfate undergoes a chemical reaction where it dissolves in the water to form a solution. This is a chemical change because the chemical composition of the copper sulfate is altered during the process.

When iodine crystals are heated and cooled in a hot water bath what happens?

When iodine crystals are heated, they sublimate directly from solid to gas without melting. As the hot iodine gas cools, it reverts back to solid form on the cooler surfaces of the container, forming iodine crystals again. This process is called sublimation.

How do halite crystals form in a desert on a dry lake floor?

Halite crystals form due to evaporation of the water in which it is dissolved. When this occurs, the sodium and chloride ions - which, when combined, make salt - move closer together and form the salt crystals. The halite crystal would form very quickly under these conditions because the evaporation would be quicker, due to the heat. Also, would result in smaller crystals, whereas slow evaporation will result in larger crystals.

What happens when ferrous sulphate crystals in boiling tube when heated by spirit lamp?

When ferrous sulfate crystals are heated in a boiling tube with a spirit lamp, they undergo thermal decomposition. The crystals lose water of crystallization and change color from green to white as they form anhydrous ferrous sulfate. This reaction releases water vapor and sulfur dioxide gas.

Can salts form crystals?

Yes. Salts can form crystals (salt crystals).

When salt has been heated to melting point and allowed to cool does it reform into crystals or does it form a glass-like sheet as sand does?

Salt re-crystallizes, and the size of the crystals varies according to the cooling time. Salt does not form an amorphous state (non-crystalline glass) as silicon does.

When limestone is heated under pressure what does it form?

When limestone is heated under pressure, it forms marble. This process, known as metamorphism, occurs when the mineral calcite in the limestone recrystallizes into the interlocking calcite crystals that compose marble.

What would be the difference in size of crystals between a salt solution that has been evaporated by heating with a Bunsen burner and one that was left to evaporate in normal room temperature?

The crystals formed by evaporating a salt solution heated with a Bunsen burner would likely be larger due to the faster evaporation process, leading to quicker nucleation and growth of crystals. On the other hand, crystals formed by evaporating a solution at room temperature would be smaller as the slower evaporation rate allows more time for numerous smaller crystals to form.

What type of solution will form crystals?

a saturated solution will form crystals