

Best Answer

no they don't, they give most of the answers but not all the correct ones

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Q: Do all calculators give the correct answer?
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How can I decide whether a mortgage is affordable?

There are many calculators available online and all will give you the same result. To determine if a loan is affordable you have to look at what you can realistically give up each month from a paycheck. is a good place to start for calculators and advice.

Where online can I use a mortgage affordability calculator?

A good comparison web page could give u a list of mortgage calculators you could use. All you would have to do is enter your financial information into the correct information boxes and it will calculate the rest for you.

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The best investment calculators, and general finance calculators, are all found online at This is the best website for calculators, in my personal opinion.

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If you use a good loan calculator and input the correct values, it should give you a pretty accurate idea about how long it will take you to pay off your loan.

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Are all calculators the same?

Basic working of all calculators is same. There power and calculating capacity varies as per the model and applications.

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What calculators have a cover for transporting them?

There are many calculators that come with covers. Compucessory, Office Depot, and Texas Instruments all have great calculators with protective hard covers.

Where can I find a retirement calculator online for free?

Online retirement calculators are not always accurate but can give you a starting point. and would both be able to give you an idea of where you are at in your retirement saving plan.

Which insurance sites have motorcycle comparison pricing calculators?

Many insurance sites have motorcycle comparison pricing calculators. Sites like All State, Progressice and Geico all have motorcycle comparison pricing calculators.