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Q: Do all countries have same rights and responsibilities or are they all the same?
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If you are a citizen then you are a citizen and have the same rights (and responsibilities) as all other citizens.

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They have the same rights as the inhabitants of all democratic countries.

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Have all the same rights and responsibilities men do and get equal pay for equal work.

Should women in other countries have the same rights as women do here in the USor should it be based on their own cultures?

I think that women in other countries should have the same rights as women do here in the U.S. because we all have the same rights and I think that it should be like this all over the country.

Do women have the same right as men today?

In most western countries women have the same rights as men. Unfortunately this is not true of all countries.

What can government do to a pesrson who has blood type o?

A person with blood type O has no special governmental rights or responsibilities. All humans have the same rights regardless of blood type.

What are the rights of the people in the Republic of Ireland?

The Republic of Ireland is in the European union, so they have the same rights as all other countries in the E.U.

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Same-sex marriage is a legal status that confers on same-sex spouses all the same legal rights and responsibilities bestowed on opposite-sex spouses in a legal marriage.

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Wat it is That at work all are alowec to have rights to have sex

Can a foreigner obtain Ecuadorian citizenship by virtue of same-sex civil union with a citizen of Ecuador?

Yes, the Constitution of Ecuador now allows all of the same rights and responsibilities as legal marriage to same-sex couples, except for adoption. This includes immigration rights.

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All countries have both administrative and judicial responsibilities.

Do all countries have the same rules about the treatment of animals true or false?

No, all countries do not have the same rules about animal rights. For example, Spain has bullfights. The middle east requires halal animals to be fully conscious when bled out.