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No, none of them do.

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Q: Do all irrational decimals repeat
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What is non repeating decimals?

That can refer to one of two types of decimals: terminatingand irrational.Terminating decimals don't repeat because they stop, whereas irrational decimals simply never repeat a distinct pattern of digits.

What are special kinds of decimals?

There are irrational numbers (like PI and e) that have infinitely many decimals which do not repeat and rational numbers (the quotient of two integers) which do eventually repeat.

Are all decimals irrational numbers?

only decimals that never end and never repeat are irrational. a decimal is rational if it can be written as a fration or ratio of two numbers. for example: .3434343434343434... 100x=34.34343434... -x 99x=34 34/99

What decimals are irrational?

Irrational numbers are real numbers which cannot be expressed as fractions. In other words, decimals that never repeat. Examples: sqrt(2) -pi 4*sqrt(3)

Positive or negative decimals that are nonterminating and nonrepeating or have a pattern in their digits but do not repeat exactly are?

Irrational numbers.

Is negative 3 irrational?

No, -3 is a rational number. All fractions are rational along with all decimals that terminate or repeat. (this applies to both positive and negative numbers.)

Is pi irrational?

Pi is an irrational number. That means that it never stops and will never repeat itself. The first 85 decimals without rounding are 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280...

Is 0.16 repeating irrational?

No, no repeating decimal is irrational. All repeating decimals can be converted to fractions. They are, however, non-terminating.

Are all non terminating decimals irrational?

No. If they are recurring, then they are rational.

Are all integer irrational numbers?

No integers are irrational numbers. An integer is a whole number, positive or negative. This means they have no decimals or fractions. An irrational number, however, is a number with fractions or decimals. Therefor, there are no integers that are irrational numbers.

How many decimals in pi?

Infinitely many. pi is not just an irrational number but a transcendental number. All irrational numbers have infinite decimals that do not go into a recurring pattern.

Why does the numbers repeat themselves wtih each decimal hundreds and thousands?

Because decimal numbers that can't be expressed as fractions are irrational numbers whereas all rational numbers can be expressed as decimals or fractions.