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triangle can have 3 sides all the same length and angle or it can have sides of differing lengths and angles. same for all other polygons.

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Q: Do all polygons with the same number of sides look the same?
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Related questions

Do polygons have to have the same number of sides and vertices?

Yes, polygons have the same number of sides and vertices.

Which polygons have the same number of sides as verices?

None.But all polygons have the same number of sides as vertices.

Do polygons have to be the same number of sides?


Are any two regular polygons with the same number of sides similar?

Yes, regular polygons will have all sides equal length, and all angles the same. If two polygons of the same number of sides are 'regular' then those two polygons will be similar (they may be scaled, for example).

Sides in the same relative position in two different polygons that have the same number of sides?

similiar or proportional sides

What 2 advanced polygons have the same number of sides and vertices?

The number of sides and vertices in any polygon is always the same.

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Does a polygon usully have more sides or more angles explain?

Polygons have the same number of sides and angles.

Do all polygons with the same number of sides have the same shape?

No, unless all its sides are equal in length, but that's the only time.

What polygons are irregular and regular?

Regular polygons are when all the sides are same length and all the angles are the same size. Irregular polygons are shapes where the sides are not all the same and the angles are different.

Should a regular and irregular polygons angles equal the same?

Yes providing that they both have the same number of sides.

What do you call polygons in witch all sides have the same length?

regular polygons