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No. All pyramids have four or more vertices (because a triangular pyramid has four).

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Q: Do all pyramids have five or more vertices?
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Related questions

How many veritces does a pyramid have?

If you count all the corners (vertices), That is five!

Does a triangle have more than 2 vertices?

All triangles have exactly 3 vertices

What shapes have no vertices?

Spheres are the only shapes that have no vertices. A sphere is a three-dimensional shape that is perfectly round, with all points on its surface equidistant from its center. Unlike other three-dimensional shapes such as cubes or pyramids, spheres do not have any corners or vertices where edges meet.

How much verticies on a 3D Pyramid?

All pyramids are three-dimensional shapes. The number of vertices depends upon the shape of its based, which doesn't have to be a square or rectangle. The number of vertices is equal to n+1 , where n is the number of sides in the base polygon.

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Are frusta and truncated pyramids the same?

Not exactly. A frustum would be a pyramid with the apex cut off. A truncated pyramid would be a pyramid with all vertices cut off.

A shape that has more than 1 vertex?

Most 2 dimensional shapes (all polygons) have 3 or more vertices. Most 3-dimensional shapes (polyhedra) have 4 or more vertices.

What are all the 8 square based pyramids?

There are more than 8 square based pyramids, so it is not clear which ones you are thinking of.

How many shapes have 3 vertices?

In two dimensions, all sorts of triangles. In 3 or more dimensions there is no specific name for shapes with three vertices.

How does a cube have 8 vertices?

vertices is just a more complicated way of saying corners So if you count all the corners of a cube they equal 8

How many edges faces and vertices does a polygon have?

A polygon can have three or more edges and exactly the same number of vertices. All polygons have one face.

Why do pyrimaids have 4 sides?

Not all pyramids have 4 sides. they can have 3 or more.