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No. A small pentagon will have smaller diagonals than a large pentagon! However, all the diagonals of a regular pentagon will be congruent.

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Q: Do all regular pentagons have congruent diagonals?
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Do all pentagons have congruent angles?

Yes providing that they are regular 5 sided pentagons otherwise no if they are irregular pentagons

Which figure have congruent diagonals?

All regular polygons.

Are all diagonals of a regular pentagon congruent?


What polygons are all the diagonals always longer than the sides?

squares,rectangles,regular pentagons

How would you describe the face on an dodecahedron?

I assume you mean a regular dodecahedron. A regular dodecahedron has twelve faces, each of which are regular* pentagons. *(all sides are congruent, all angles are congruent)

Are all sides of a pentagon congruent?

Sometimes. For a regular pentagon, all the sides and interior angles are congruent. However, this isn't the case for some pentagons.

Are all pentagons similar?

No, similar pentagons (or any polygon for that matter) must have corresponding congruent angles and all sides must be proportional to its corresponding sides. For example, if a square with a triangle on it is a pentagon, then a regular pentagon would not be similar to it (because corresponding angles are not congruent).

Is the diagonals of rhombus congruent?

"Congruent" isn't used to describe the diagonals of a rhombus. However, all four sides of a rhombus are congruent - they are all the same length.The diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular to each other. They are not the same length - if the diagonals were the same length, then you would have a square.

Are all quadrilaterals with congruent diagonals parallelpgram?

No. An isosceles trapezium (isosceles triangle with its apex removed) would have congruent diagonals but it is not a parallelogram.

Are all pentagons ploygons?

All pentagons are regular or irregular 5 sided polygons

Are all pentagons are similar?

NO! Only REGULAR Pentagons. All equilateral triangles are similar!!!

Which parallelograms have congruent diagonals?

Only rectangles (squares included) have congruent diagonals, because all their angles are congruent (90 degrees). If you have angles larger or smaller than 90 degrees it makes the diagonals different lengths.