

Do all space figures have volume?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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βˆ™ 15y ago

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Q: Do all space figures have volume?
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All formulas of finding the space figure and volume of solid figures with picture?

There are infinitely many figures and so infinitely many formula and therefore it is impossible to give ALL of them.

What are all the 3 dimensional shapes called?

The three dimensional figures are called Space figures

Why polyhedrons have only area but not volume?

It's not true. As with all solid figures, polyhedra have volume and surface area.

What are the different kind of space figure?

There are different kinds of space figures. The names of these space figures are rectangular prisms, cubes, pyramids, and cylinder.

Does volume have mass And take up space?

Yes, volume represents the amount of space occupied by an object. And since all objects have mass, anything that has volume occupies space and also has mass.

What is the formula of volume of all spatial figures?

cylinder---2x2.14xrsquare+area of latteral surface

How is space described?

Space is the entire volume in which all objects are located and in which all motion takes place.

What is the three dimensional space all matter occupies?

The three dimensional space matter occupies is called it's volume.

Do figures with the same volume always have the same surface area?

figures with the same volume does not have the same surface area.

What type of object has volume?

Solid objects, liquid substances, and gas particles all have volume. Volume is a measure of the amount of space an object occupies.

What objects in space called?

Space figures

What are 3-dimensional figures?

Figures that take up space.