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Yes, to be a square, it must have all 90º angles.

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Q: Do all squares have ninety degree angles?
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What types of angels does a square have?

Squares' sides are made up of 90 degree, or right angles. These angles are also acute (acute angles equaling ninety degrees or less). All angles in a square are equal, and they add up to 360 degrees.

What are all right angles?

Right angles are ninety degree angles. That is equal to one quarter of a complete rotation.

What do rectangles squares and a right angle have in common?

All have 90 degree angles.

How do you compare and contrast an equilateral triangle and a square?

Differences: Squares have 4 sides / equilateral triangles have 3 sides. Squares have 90 degree angles / equilateral triangles have 60 degree angles. Squares have 2 diagonals / equilateral triangles have none Similarities: All sides of the shape are congruent All angles of the shape are congruent

Is there such thing as an isosceles square?

No, all squares are equilateral because they have four 90 degree angles.

A quadrilateral with all ninety degree angles called?

It's called a rectangle, the sides must be same length in addition to it having all 90 angles for it to be a square.

What shape has equal sides with 7 letters?

A rhombus, which unlike a square, does not have to have all four ninety degree angles.

Explain why all squares are congruent?

because they are all the same size or shape. Because all squares have all the same length sides and are always made up of all 90 degree angles.

What shapes all have 90 degree angles?

triangles squares rectangles i think most shapes could have a 90 degree angle except a circle

What do squares and rhombuses have in common?

The main thing squares and rhombuses have in common is that they have congruent sides all they way around. The only difference, however, is that squares have 90-degree angles, whereas rhombuses have 2 sets of congruent angles not equal to 90-degrees. They are also both polygons and all their internal angles adds up to 360.

Is a right triangle an acute triangle?

No, it can't be. 'Acute' means that all the angles are under ninety degrees; therefore, a ninety degree angle would make it impossible to have an acute triangle.

Why are rectangles squares?

Rectangles are not squares. The reason to this is because squares must have sides of equal lengths. Rectangles are quadrilaterals with sides that join to make 90 degree angles, but are not restricted to having the same length. Therefore "all squares are rectangles", but rectangles cannot be squares.