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Q: Do all vertices have to be used once in Hamilton circuits?
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Once something terrible happens like that you just get used to it...

What is the plural of 'vertex'?

Both vertices and vertexes are acceptable, but vertices is more commonly used.

Can parallel circuits be used instead of fuses?

No. Parallel circuits are not fuses. Fuses can be used to protect parallel circuits.

Why SC-R's are not used in Chopper Circuits?

Chopper circuits need to turn the signal on and off. An SCR would not work in this case as, once it is turned on, it will not turn off until it is reverse biased.

How is electricity distributed to lights and power sockets?

It depends where you live.In most countries, radial circuits are used for both power and lighting circuit.In the UK, ring-main circuits are used for power circuits, while radial circuits are used for lighting circuits.

Where are simple circuits used?

Simple electronic circuits are used in simple electronic devices.

What is the function the capacitor in electronic board?

Dozens of functions. Short term power storage. Smoothing. Decoupling, Coupling, Voltage doubling. Resonant circuits. Phase shifting. Timing circuits. Delay circuits. Lumped constant delay lines as used in radar modulators. And many more...I even used one once as a poor man's one bit RAM.

Alexander Hamilton used in a sentence?

Alexander Hamilton. My name is Alexander Hamilton

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RC circuits can be used to filter a signal by blocking certain frequencies and passing others.

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Which type of resistor is commonly used in automotive circuits?

What is an adjacency list in the context of data structures and how is it used to represent relationships between vertices in a graph?

An adjacency list is a data structure used to represent relationships between vertices in a graph. It consists of a list of vertices, where each vertex has a list of its neighboring vertices. This allows for efficient storage and retrieval of information about the connections between vertices in a graph.

Which integrated circuits were used in the third generation of computers?

Both hybrid integrated circuits and monolithic integrated circuits were used in third generation computers. These integrated circuits contained from 4 to 100 transistors per integrated circuit. The image above shows hybrid integrated circuits of the type used in the IBM System 360 line of computers.