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They can, but at different rates. Consider a square that is 4 units on each side. Its area is 4 x 4 = 16 units. Its perimeter is 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16 units. Nice coincidence! Then consider increasing the square's size to 6 units on each side. Its area would then be 6 x 6 = 36 units. Its perimeter would be 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 24 units. So an increase in perimeter of 8 units (24 - 16) resulted in an increase in area of 20 units (36 - 16).

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Q: Do both area and perimeter increase together?
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One thing that area and perimeter has in common is that they both measures some part of a shape

What do perimeter and area have in common?

One thing that area and perimeter have in common are that they both are measurements of a shape while perimeter is the distance around and area is the measurement of space within the object or space.

Real life example of both perimeter and area?

Fencing a yard for perimeter, and carpeting or furniture arrangement for area. Hope that helps!

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Of course, a rectangle can have a greater perimeter and a greater area. Simply double all the sides: the perimeter is doubled and the area is quadrupled - both bigger than they were.

What is the size of the frame if the perimeter is 24 inches and the area is 35 inches?

7 by 5 inches would satisfy both the perimeter and the area.

How are perimeter and area the same?

both include the outside of the shape

Can two parallelograms have the same perimeter but different areas?

yes, for example: a 4 by 5 rectangle has an area of 20 and a perimeter of 18 a 2 by 7 rectangle has an area of 14 and a perimeter of 18 they both have a perimeter of 18

What does it mean when it says compute both the perimeter and area?

Usually that means figure out the area and perimeter. Remember the perimeter is adding all sides like putting up and fence. And the area is x (multiplying) the 2 sides