Absolutely not! I'm a girl and I kick as* in science. Let's be serious, girls brains are more developed therefore smarter
Science proves that women are academically smarter than men.
Girls do I learnd that when i did my science project
Its not about gender. I am in the top maths class just now, and there are the pretty much the same amount of boys as there are girls. It's about the individual person, && how hard they are willing to work.
Math may not be the issue here.
science has proven that girls are easier to work with in studies so yes they do learn quiker
answerno boys are not better than girls because girls are smarter than the boys(noooooo!!!!)
Girls are better than boys because they developoed faster than the boys did
Well, the excact science of that is that there are more girls in the worlds than boys and they are smarter but boys are stronger and bigger, usually.
Boys are better than Girls and Girls are better than Boys.
yes, all girls by nature are better than boys.
There are some things that boys tend to be better at than girls, and some things that girls tend to be better at than boys. Viva la difference!
Ofcourse girls are better than boys. There is no doubt in it. Right girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, go girls. I bet boys agree with that.
no girls are better sdudents
girls have better reflexes than boys
boys are better than girls because when they become adults girls usually cook and boys work
Girls are generally better than boys at 'hoola hooping' due to their physique.
Boys are better than girls. Girls are better than boys. Each has its strong points and weaK points. Boys generally make better fathers and girls generally make better mothers.