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Q: Do concentric circle have a common point between them?
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What is a circle that shares a common center point?


What circle has the same center point?

A concentric circle.

Locus of a point equidistant from two concentric circles?

Another circle midway between the originals.

If two circles have the same point then what are they called?

If you mean they both have the same centre - they're called 'concentric' circles.

Non concentric circle?

Non concentric circles are circles that do not share the same center point.

What is a circle inside a circle called?

A circle inside another circle is called a concentric circle. This means that the circles share the same center point, with one circle contained entirely within the other.

Can a tangent circle be concentric?

No; tangent circles touch each other at one point but concentric circles cannot not touch.

Is the center of a circle the point of intersection for two concentric circles?

Concentric circles are the circles with the same center therefore they do not cross with each other as the "center is not considered a point on the circle". An exception would be two circles that are concentric and have the same radius, in which case the circles are indistinct and every point of the circles is an intersection.

What is the point that is the same distance from any circle?

There is such a point only if all the circles are concentric.

What is a formula for the distance between two concentric circles between any point on either circle?


What is the difference between concentric and stone keep castles?

The difference between a stone keep castle and a concentric castle is that a stone keep castle had hardly any defence. The only defence was their high walls. But the concentric castles had loads of walls surounding them. The word 'concentric' actually means with common middle point: describes circles and spheres of different sizes with the same middle point.

A Circle is named by it's?

Center. For example, if the point in the center of the circle was point O, then the circle would be named circle O.