

Best Answer

divide the 20tons by 1.44 or 1.31 ndepending on the moisture xontent of the sans

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Q: Do convert 20tons sharp sand to cubic meter?
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what are the quantities of 1 cubic meter concrete?

Mix: 320 kilograms cement, 600 kilograms sharp sand, 1200 kilograms gravel, and 176 liters water.

Why there is a sharp increase in the pH in the pH meter experiment?

The inflexion point

Sharp Microwave oven Mode l R-409EW what cu. ft. is it?

1.25 cubic feet, inside.

How do you convert text into binary in vb or c sharp code?

C# EXAMPLEString text="My sample data";System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encode=new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();//convert to binary and store in a byte[]byte[] binaryArray=encode.GetBytes(text);

If sharp is not sharp and not sharp is sharp then What is half-sharp?

Half- sharp

How many meter in 1 linear meter?

The difference between a linear meter (LM) and a meter (M) is the same except for the geometrical shape it follows. Linear meter always follow an extended line or a straight line for a given object where as a meter is a more general form or unit of measurement irrespective of a shape (Line, arc or circle). For example: think of an wooden or metal scale of 1 M length which measures only length of an object in straight line where as a 1M flexible tape can be used along a line or for a curvature or for a sharp bend of an object. Both measures length both at times correct interchangeably.

What are the notes in the d minor melodic scale?

UP: d sharp e sharp f sharp g sharp a sharp b sharp c double-sharp d sharp DOWN: d sharp c sharp b natural a sharp g sharp f sharp e sharp d sharp

What are the notes to?

A sharp G G E sharp G E sharp A sharp A sharp C C A sharp C E sharp G A G E sharp A sharp A sharp A sharp G E sharp C this is not on the Flute btw idk what instrument its on

What are the notes to fireflies?

A sharp G G E sharp G E sharp A sharp A sharp C C A sharp C E sharp G A G E sharp A sharp A sharp A sharp G E sharp C this is not on the flute btw idk what instrument its on

What compound words begin with sharp?

sharp-eyed, sharp-eyes, sharp-faced, sharp-shod, sharpshooter, sharp-tongued, sharp-witted

What is the scale of B sharp major?

B sharp, C double-sharp, D double-sharp, E sharp, F double-sharp, G double-sharp, A double-sharp, B sharp.

What are the piano to cello conversion of these notes G sharp D sharp A sharp B C sharp F sharp E sharp and G natural?

g sharp would be g sharp or a minor. d sharp would be d sharp or e flat. a sharp would be a sharp or b flat. c sharp would be c sharp or d flat. f sharp would be f sharp or g flat. e sharp would be e sharp or f slat for which there is no such note. and g natural would be g natural.